Hi friends, I'm Kyleagh.

I am the knitter, designer, wanna be model and adventurer behind The Knitty Pine. My name is pronounced Ky-Lee, in case you were wondering (because I am sure you were). I grew up in Ontario, Canada and currently live in a small town located near Lake Erie in Norfolk County, Ontario with my fur babies Sage & Jasper. I started knitting in 2010 when my friends started to get married and have babies. My beloved Grandma always made them the most beautiful gifts and I wanted to be able to continue on with the tradition.
The Knitty Pine was born in 2015 with the encouragement from my dear friend Jaime Jagt, owner of Little Love. I made a few pieces and sold them in Little Love's online store, which unfortunately is no longer operational. I then made my very own Etsy shop in 2016 that promptly remained empty because I had no idea what I was doing. I did my first market in November 2016, and that is when I knew I wanted The Knitty Pine to be a bigger part of my life.
Fast forward to now, and The Knitty Pine has grown to include a collection of DIY knitting patterns. I never thought I would become a designer but it is something I absolutely love. It brings me joy seeing others make beautiful pieces with a pattern that I created. My favourite thing to design, as well as knit, is hats.
The Knitty Pine has allowed me to combine my love of the outdoors, and nature with a hobby that I love. When I do not have knitting needles in my hands (but even sometimes with) you can find me sipping coffee, canoeing, exploring the outdoors, thrifting, hitting up a local craft brewery or in the kitchen making something plant-based and delicious.
To reach out, collaborate, or just say hi, you can email me at theknittypine@gmail.com
To reach out, collaborate, or just say hi, you can email me at theknittypine@gmail.com